“You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously.”
Hey you,
I woke up this morning feeling like we really put limitations on ourselves for no reason at all. I've been berating myself because I couldn't write to you last week so I was waiting till this Friday and then it dawned on me. Who the hell said I can only write to you on Friday? This is not a company🤦🏾♀️, why am I stressing myself to meet a deadline that can be shifted at any time? This is a safe and fun space, not to be tainted by deadlines or word count, or formats(ugh).
We need to work on this. For instance, I have a friend who is finding it hard to read because she gave herself a target of 25 books this year and she hasn't reached 10 but keeps talking about people who have read 100 books and how stressed she is. I’m working on her chilling the fuck down but I had to remind her that habits from her corporate job can't be brought into her personal time off. We need to know when to switch it off.
It can be hard, I know but you matter. We give so much of ourselves to others and keep so little for us when we need us the most. Do you get what I mean? I always have to remind myself to stop being so hard on myself. And writing to you today is a manifestation of that. Also, I missed you. I live off the feedback from this newsletter and I just want to say thank so much for feeding me plenty🤗
P.S I saw this tweet and I had to share it with you because it resonated soundly within me.

What do you think of it? I know I take number 2 for granted. Another thing to work on. Anyhoo, enough rambling, how are you? Truly. Is there anything I can help you with?
SPOTLIGHT: Meet Aisha AKA @aishathebibliophile. Y’all, check out the reel first. Isn’t she just so cool?
Aisha is a light. If you ever get the chance to interact with her, you’ll be left feeling like you just gained a friend. Also, she is good value for your data and time, so follow her. lol
ICYMI: I get asked this question a lot, how do you make out time to read, so if you’re interested you can check out my #LipglossmaffiaGuide on How To Make Time for Reading. Sometimes, I forget that I have a whole website. Hopefully, I get back to it soon. P.S that post is very interesting, I reread it and damn, I’m someone I’ll like to hang out with.
FUN FACT: The longest sentence (a piece of work without a full stop) ever printed in a novel? It is a horrifying breath-stealing 823 words long and is to be found in Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables. I knew there were a lot of reasons to not read that book because WTF.
Okay, byeeeeeeeeee, x
I think I'm the opposite of this, I'm a very laid back person and I procrastinate alot, so sometimes I never meet up with deadlines, and it's so bad sometimes and I'm honestly trying to turn myself into a workaholic, but I'm too lazy😂😂
I’ve never read it because Miserable sounds like miserable and reading such a long sentence sounds about the same. 😂