Hey you,
How are things? It’s the last day of September! And officially 14 days to my birthday. This is the period I usually feel the blues but I’m okay this year and I think it’s because I asked and answered a question that put things in perspective for me.
So, I asked myself, if the doctor diagnosed me with an illness and I had one month left on earth, how would I feel? Just five years ago, this question would have sent me to the dark hole, thinking about things I should have accomplished and whatnot but now, I’m all good thanks to a good ol’ gratitude check. I can’t stress how important it is to write down things you’re grateful for or things that have brought you pleasure. It doesn’t even have to be a daily thing, it can be weekly and in any format you prefer, as long as it’s readily accessible to you. I use the Notes app on my phone but I also have a journal.
A scene from a Kdrama I’m currently watching has stayed with me and I want to share that with you, “not everyone can be special, most people just live ordinary lives, so don’t be too obsessed with becoming great, just find what’s valuable to you in your life, that’s more than enough.” YOU ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH JUST THE WAY YOU ARE.
In this era of social media where so many folks have unintentionally become creators and life has become content, it’s so easy to mistake or confuse what’s meaningful to us, hence the self-introspection exercises. Try this. We don’t want a situation where we’re feeling anxious over things we don’t even want because the algorithm is feeding us things. I feel like I’m digressing but you know what I mean.
I try to not be too preachy with these words, sorry if it comes across like that, okay?
Recently Read…
At this moment, I have completed 197 books, you can add me on Storygraph for all the ratings or to see what I’m currently reading. Also, a wrap-up of the books I read in September is now available on the Something Bookish podcast, click HERE to listen on Spotify, but it’s available on all streaming platforms. Did you read anything exceptional in September?
Bookclub - October
The Indulgent Bibliophile is reading Salt Houses by Hala Alyan and we’ll be chatting about the book on the 20th of October at 5pm WAT, register for the virtual meeting HERE.
Currently Watching…
I’m still watching the Kdramas, Love Next Door & No Gain No Love. A new show I recently started, Nobody Wants This, on Netflix is another one I want to recommend to you. It’s a romantic comedy that is just so refreshing to watch because the issues are dealt with in such a gentle manner you can’t help but root for the couple. What are you watching these days?
I Highly Recommend…
Planning tomorrow, today. It’s such a small thing to spend a few minutes at the end of each day planning for the next. Whether it's writing down priorities, organizing your schedule, or setting intentions, this simple habit can reduce morning stress and improve productivity. I hope you try it.
A Friendly Reminder…
Please remember to hydrate, eat well, sleep well, and poop well. Most importantly, don’t forget to give yourself the grace you always extend to others. You need it too, okay?
If you love my content, you can show support by giving me a shout-out on social media or in real life (prayers are fine too).
See you on the other side, Dearest.