“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” Pablo Picasso

Hey you,
How are things? I bet you didn’t expect to receive a letter from me so soon with my previous track record. Well, I plan to make it up to you, okay? I recently attended the launch of the new Ouida Lagos, a bookstore & cultural space, and was fortunate to meet friends that I engage with online, it’s always so surreal to me how there are never any awkward moments and I’m sure it’s because of the shared interests. Do you ever feel that way when you meet people you’ve been chatting and exchanging memes with for the first time?
The purpose of this letter is to share how I come up with content for the newsletter since I have several other platforms where I talk about books. First of all, thank you very much for that excellent question, it was lovely to meet you and I can’t wait to catch up at maybe, Ake Festival(?)
The short answer to this would be to make sure I have a notepad with me at all times but what keeps me motivated and inspired is remembering MY WHY. I started this newsletter because I missed receiving letters (yes I know my age is showing here) or maybe it’s my way of romanticizing life and inviting you along for the ride. I’ve always entertained the idea of having a cool person with cool interests who becomes my friend by exchanging letters.
Instead of waiting, I decided to become that person in anticipation of the friends I’d make. I’m not the cool person yet but I’ve met really cool people and that’s why it doesn’t feel like what I write on here is “content.” I’m just catching up and sharing stuff with you, and I hope you’d share stuff with me too. I keep the writing pad with me so that when I see or experience something I’d like to share with you, I note it so I don’t forget. PS have you tried the gratitude jar thing that I mentioned in Chapter Six?
Recently Read…
White Chrysanthemum by Mary Lynn Bracht is based on the so-called comfort women, it’s the story of two Korean sisters separated by the second world war. Hana is dragged away by a Japanese soldier to a life of sexual slavery, Emi is left to grow up wondering what happened to her sister. I appreciated the author’s narrative style and it’s obvious that her central concern is for the women whose stories are in danger of being lost for ever. It’s a heavy read so do take care of yourself when you read it and you should absolutely read it if you haven’t.
I also read The Bookshop Sisterhood by Michelle Lindo-Rice which I’m not exactly recommending to you but I’m sharing it because it stressed me out. It’s a book about female friendships but the friendship is so toxic and I was more annoyed because these are women in their forties who say mean things to each other and hide behind “I was angry.” Their issues are resolved in ways that I found to be shallow and not sustainable. Or am I too strict? Hurtful words were flung around and it wasn’t just the words, there’s multiple POVs so as the reader, I knew that friendship couldn’t hold. In instances like that, I’m not sure if I should hate on the author’s treatment of the subject matter or re-examine my conceptions of friendship. What do you think?
At this moment, I have completed 184 books, please add me as a friend on Storygraph so we can quietly stalk each other’s reads. Most importantly, make sure you subscribe to the podcast because I do a monthly wrap-up where I share mini reviews of the books I read that month.
Currently Watching…
In the last letter, I was watching Love Next Door and No Gain No Love, both shows are more than halfway done and I highly recommend No Gain No Love, that’s a proper romcom, I don’t know what the writers of Love Next Door are smoking because I’m getting so bored, they’re overusing cliches. I haven’t been able to catch up with documentaries/variety shows but if you’re a foodie like me, I highly recommend the Korean Rhapsody series on Netflix, the documentation of their food is mind-blowing and it makes me jealous that we don’t have that in Nigeria yet.
I Highly Recommend…
Taking mini breaks for yourself. What was the last time you took one? Having time to yourself to do the things that you want to do isn't an indulgence, it's absolutely necessary for your heath and happiness. The key is to prioritize your downtime. Don't leave it as something that might happen if you can accomplish everything else on your busy schedule. Instead, intentionally set aside some time each week to do the things that you want to do. Put it in your calendar if you must!
A Friendly Reminder…
Please remember to hydrate, eat well, sleep well, and poop well. Most importantly, don’t forget to give yourself the grace you always extend to others. You need it too, okay?
If you love my content, you can show support by giving me a shout-out on social media or in real life (prayers are fine too).
See you on the other side, Dearest.