Hey you,
How are things? I’m a little sad as I write this and I’m hoping by the time I get to the last word, my mood will have lifted. I recently heard of a Bookstagram friend who passed away and it got me in my feels, I went into a spiral, and then I had to force cheer because one still has to be a functional member of society even when we can’t engage.
It sucks, doesn’t it? The fact that the world does not pause when you’re going through stuff. *heavy sigh* Please say a little prayer for her.
I’ve noticed a weird habit that I have. When I’m feeling blue, I tend to fixate on the tiniest things, for example, in this latest “episode” I want to preach the gospel of DNFing from the rooftops. Life is just too short to be reading a book that isn’t bringing you any pleasure.
It doesn’t matter if the love of your life recommended it to you, if you’re bored, drop it. Unless you’re being paid or it’s for a project, don’t hold on too tight to books. Do you know that no matter how hard you try, you will never finish reading the books on your TBR? So, why waste time on one book when there’s a long queue of titles waiting for some attention?
Also, this applies to everything in life that you’re not enjoying. I know there are a lot of things we need to do as adults(eww) that are not fun, but I want you to be very intentional going forward about things that you can just say no to. Sometimes, that’s all it takes. A big fat NO.
Recently Read...
There’s a quote from Dear Sethuran by Akwaeke Emezi that I have to share with you because it has been playing over and over in my mind. Loyalty is irrelevant if you can’t pay your bills. Someone who is on your side will never expect you to put aside your well-being for their sake; they will understand if you can’t stay because you need to take care of yourself. Read that again.
I also read a book where a con artist lies about having cancer and I was so shocked at how low human beings would go to take advantage of others. The title is The Fake by Zoe Whittall, and it’s a good read, very short too if you need something to bust you out of a slump. I’ll have more to say about this in the February wrap-up on the podcast, so watch out for it.
Bookclub - February
The Indulgent Bibliophile is reading Riambel by Priya Hein and we’ll be chatting with the author on the 25th of February at 4pm WAT, register for the virtual meeting HERE.
This is random but I have a fun riddle for you, try answering it in the comments and I’ll let know if you got it. If you throw a blue stone into the Red Sea, what will it become? Don’t Google it, okay?
Currently Watching…
In Kdrama news, I’m watching A Shop For Killers which I highly recommend, it doesn’t have a lot going for it plotwise but it’s visually stunning and has very sexy action scenes. I just finished Welcome to Samdal-ri and it’s a very feel-good show, it takes place on Jeju Island and if you’ve read The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See, you might feel a little nostalgic seeing Haenyeos in 3D. Marry My Husband is a webtoon that I read last year so I was very excited about its adaptation, they’ve completely deviated but I’m still enjoying it. What are you watching/ listening to/ reading to spark joy these days?
I Highly Recommend…

Hibiscus tea with lemon and ginger every other day. I know a lot of us are used to it as a cold beverage, but since I started taking it religiously every day, I feel lighter and I’m pooping a lot more. You don’t even need much for a cuppa, just 2 or 3 dried leaves and you’re good to go.
A Friendly Reminder…
Please remember to hydrate, eat well, sleep well, and poop well. Most importantly, don’t forget to give yourself the grace you always extend to others. You need it too, okay?
If you love my content, please do consider supporting me by buying me a cup of tea (I’ve finally found a way for non-Nigerian residents to contribute) or by giving me a shout-out on social media or in real life (prayers are fine too).
See you on the other side, Dearest.
i expect it would remain a stone but what do i know
That’s my mantra! 💕