"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?" -Marianne Williamson
Hey you,
Can you do me a favour and re-read the quote above? It’s hitting the right spot, yeah? That’s what inspired today’s letter. I was scrolling through Pinterest when I saw it and my brain went…
So, I definitely had to share that with you. It needs no explanation, you just need to keep repeating it to yourself. Yup.
Notice the first question I asked? About the games on your phone? It’s because I just discovered a game that has been keeping me on my toes these past few days. Karachi, my co-host on The Litty Podcast, told me about it and whatever Karachi recommends, I always try because I know it’s passed a lot of her bullshit filters.
The name of the game is Scattergories, it’s a think fast trivia game where you’re given different categories but one letter, for instance, name a fruit that starts with the letter "B". What about an animal that starts with the letter "R"? The more creative your answers, the more points you score! The photo below could be the letter ”D” and all you have to do is provide the best answers you can.
There is a board game version that I plan to get but I like the app because you get to play with random people around the world but if I get you to download the app, maybe I can play against you. Are you catching my drift? *wink wink*It’s so weird for me installing a game on my phone because I prefer to use the free time to read but it’s such a good cleanser, also where else can I display all the random info I learn from books?
SPOTLIGHT: Meet Assia AKA @shereadsox. Assia is like that first taste of gelato on a really hot day. I really hope you know what I mean because there is no other way to describe her aura. I'm blushing as I write this.
I absolutely adore her. Her page is a stunning curation of books that you usually wouldn't see around and when she loves a book, you're going to be just as excited about it. So, follow her for an enriched Bookstagram experience.
ICYMI: I just re-discovered the magic of N. K. Jemisin’s magic in The Broken Earth Trilogy and that’s why I have no new podcast episode. Don’t hate me, I’ll be back soon, it’s just so good!

FUN FACT: Did you know that peacocks are actually the males of the species, and the whole species is peafowl. The female is called a peahen, and the baby is a peachick. Also, have can you remember what a peachick looks like?
Okay, byeeeeeeeeee, x
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