Hey you,
You weren’t expecting to hear from me so soon, yeah? I just thought I’d surprise you a little. I usually don’t get sentimental around this time of the year but I want to wish you the best of everything that you wish for yourself and more.
This letter is intended to be a reminder of sorts. This period is when a lot of folks put a plan in place for something they want to achieve and I want to remind you that you can change your life on the 16th day of the 7th month, so don’t feel pressured to “start” anything if you don’t want to. It’s okay if you want to be organized and everything but remember that you’re human and shit happens so please don’t beat yourself up or twist into shapes to satisfy what is seen as acceptable, okay?

This is the only thing I think I’m going to be more intentional about in the new year because why the fuck is it so hard to get up when I’ve been in lotus position? I’m just 34! So, I’m working towards walking for at least 45mins, four days a week, the other days, I’ll be sweating by learning and practicing Kpop dance routines. That shit looks easy but it’s hard as fuck. Look at this.
I mean, I dare you to do this routine 10 times and not lose 1kg!
This January, The Indulgent Bibliophile is reading In The Company of Men by Veronique Tadjo and she’s agreed to join our virtual book chat. Do follow the IG page for any updates and fun facts about the book, okay?
I’ve read a few 2023 releases and I’m excited for what’s ahead. These are some of the titles I’m looking forward to reading.
I’ll keep you updated if any of the titles exceed my expectations, or you can add me as a friend on Storygraph. It’s my favourite way of tracking my reads now, it’s not as interactive as Goodreads but I find that I like the solitary experience more. Also, the app is great for reading challenges and buddy reads.
On the topic of tracking stuff, someone suggested I use Serialized to track my Kdramas and I kinda like the app, it’s available on IOS and playstore and very seamless. I have two drama recommendations for you that are both on Netflix. The Fabulous is about four millenials working in the fashion industry, and it’s a feel-good show that highlights friendship and the importance of a support system. I especially enjoyed The Glory because I’m obsessed with revenge stories and this one hit all the right spots. Unfortunately, they only released 8 episodes, the second half will be out in March (so I guess I have to make sure I don’t expire before then #fingerscrossed).
This is getting longer than I anticipated so imma let you go now. Please remember to hydrate, eat well, sleep well, and poop well. Most importantly, don’t forget to give yourself the grace you always extend to others. You need it too, okay?
If you love my content, please do consider supporting me by giving me a shout-out on social media or in real life (prayers are fine too).
See you on the other side, Dearest.
I wasn't expecting a new letter and it got me giddy with excitement. Happy New Year, my love. Thanks for the books and K-dramas because I will watch K-drama all year round. have a great week!