Hey you,
How are things? Are you sleeping okay? Eating well? Pooping every day? Stretching and going for walks? Hydrating? I really hope you are, every other thing in life is just an add-on, you know. We have to make sure the basics are taken care of.
Today’s letter is inspired by friends who recently reached out to me to be their accountability buddies. One would have been normal but six in the span of a week is a sign that I can’t ignore. These friends want to go back to the things that used to make them happy, from reading to creating content, to lots of physical activities. I’m honoured that they chose me to be their accountability buddy because it’s so much easier for me to assist others than to help myself. Cheerleading is my divine calling.
So, I’ve realized that whenever I feel like I’m running on empty, it’s because I’ve been spending so much time absorbed in the hustle or the “rat race” and let some of my other passions take a back seat for too long. As much as passions and hobbies provide us with an outlet for escape and personal expression, it is not uncommon to lose touch with them. As life goes on, these things often fade into the background for a lot of us. Responsibilities keep increasing and our schedules are always cramped up with things we need to take care of and “the fun stuff” keeps taking a backseat.
If you’re someone who is looking to reconnect with your hobbies or passions, then here are some tips to get started:
This is probably the hardest part because realistically, we can all be like, “who has time for this” when all these other obligations consume our day. But I find that consistency and repetition are the only ways to truly make something a habit and if we want to prioritize a hobby we must carve out time daily for it. Even if it means reading for 10 mins before bed or doing just 5 squats or knitting for 30 minutes.
This is why 30-day challenges are so popular. It forces us to set aside just a little time to accomplish something every day. Luckily there are challenges for just about everything out there; whether it’s painting, reading, working out, or writing. Plug in your hobby of choice into Google or Pinterest with the word “challenge” next to it and I guarantee you’ll find something that you can try.
Reflect on what made you enjoy that hobby in the first place. Was it the people you did it with? Was it the feeling it gave you? If the overall feeling towards the hobby is a positive one, try immersing yourself back into that same activity again instead of seeking out something new.
If you enjoyed it for social reasons, look for a class or group in your area/online that you can join so you’ll be around other people with the same passion. Not only will you be putting yourself back in the groove with something you used to enjoy but you’ll be making some new connections along the way.
It can feel daunting to get back into an old hobby because you may be comparing your performance to how you used to be. For example, if it’s been years since you rode a bicycle, chances are you’re a little rusty. It’s easy to get frustrated and stuck comparing how you are now to how you were “then.” Or if it’s a new hobby you’re starting it can be even more scary because now you’re stuck feeling like a beginner with too many people to compare yourself to.
It’s so important to let this go and work to shift your mindset. At the end of the day, you’re doing this for YOU and you alone. Your passion project isn’t something that needs to be put on display, you can keep it private if that allows you to dive fully in. Measure progress in small gains and take pride in whatever you’re able to accomplish each day.
PS It is also completely natural for you to grow out of things, interests, and hobbies. Feel free to pick up a new hobby if you have worn out your old hobbies. I’m currently reading a book, What You Are Looking For Is In The Library by Michiko Aoyama, and it’s about the beauty of libraries and the power of books for change. One of the characters enjoys felting and I think I might pick it up as a new hobby. Also, I think it’s serendipitous to be reading this book at a time when I know someone who sells the most amazing designs amongst other bookish merch.
If you’re in Nigeria, you should definitely check out her page or you can purchase for a friend in Nigeria.
This turned out to be longer than I expected it to be but I hope you experience the joy of falling in love with a thing at least once in your life.
Please remember to hydrate, eat well, sleep well, and poop well. Most importantly, don’t forget to give yourself the grace you always extend to others. You need it too, okay?
If you love my content, please do consider supporting me by buying me a cup of tea (I’ve finally found a way for non-Nigerian residents to contribute) or by giving me a shout-out on social media or in real life (prayers are fine too).
See you on the other side, Dearest.