“Laughing together is as close as you can get to a hug without touching.”
Hey you,
I almost didn’t send a letter today because I was wrapped up in everything going on and this week has been insane, especially on my body. I’ve been popping aspirins almost every day this week, do you have a remedy for body pains and headaches asides from drugs? I’m really trying to reduce my aspirin intake because I take A LOT during my period.
Look at me rambling on, how are you? Did you have a good week? Started/finished any book? Watching anything fun? I’m currently rewatching Superstore, I love that show so much. P.S Are you excited about the Friends Reunion? I’m kinda over it.
I finished reading The Khan by Saima Mir this week and I strongly believe that if I read more books with this kind of female character, I’d be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company by now(atink)
You can read the blurb HERE, but here’s what I enjoyed about this book. It’s a no-holds-barred narrative that allows Muslim voices to be heard in a way rarely seen before. It doesn't shy away from themes around drugs, power, corruption, the role of women, gangs, and survival. It’s mostly narrated from the point of view of Jia Khan - the eldest daughter of the current Khan.
Jia is an enigma to me. She's turned her back on her family and their lifestyle to move away to become a lawyer in London. But in a series of twists, I’m left breathless, with exposed secrets and events that make everything I'd previously believed about the narrative redundant. Jia(the protagonist) herself is unlikeable - but that unlikeability serves to make her more real and it certainly kept me intrigued. Her coldness served its purpose in keeping a distance between Jia and the other characters - those she loves and who love her and also the reader, who has yet to come to a decision about her.
It’s a well-written, thoughtful, and authentic story that will remain in my thoughts for a long time. Also, book two is in the works.

This book is available in most shops in the UK/US but you can get it on Kindle or on Scribd, I have a 60-day free trial link HERE.
Next week, on June 3rd, The Something Bookish Podcast will be back with all the crazies, I hope I still know how to conduct myself in front of a microphone. It’s going to be a fun season because I kinda have more free time so, brace yourself for it.
SPOTLIGHT: Meet Faith aka @suckerforcoffe, a coffee lover and book blogger from Kenya. She is so enthusiastic about books and reading that I can’t wait to have her on the podcast to chat.
She promotes books, talks about her reading choices on her blog which you can check out HERE. Following her on social will enrich your TL experience, do the needful.
FUN FACT: In light of a lot of us being stressed and just blue all the time, I found something that I think makes a lot of sense. Author and family therapist Virginia Satir once said, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth” I’m not saying we need to start tracking how many hugs we get but we need to work on getting those hugs.
Start with hugging yourself. This may sound silly but it works. Remember the goal is oxytocin and serotonin release, so you may want to supercharge this experience by listing all the things you love about yourself. Do it right now, okay?
Okay, byyyyeeeeeeeeeee x