Thank you for the mention. ♥️ The food looks delish! The Middle Daughter is now high up on my TBR because of you. I can't wait to read it.

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Thank you for the cocktail recipe and the daily TikTok laughs.

For the book rewards savings, can you do that via PiggyVest? Save 500 naira for every book you complete, I think I’ll join you and do that

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Thank you for the newsletter! I always look forward to reading a new issue. And your K-drama recommendations are always on point! (Under the Queens umbrella is still an unmatched fav of mine so far) Have a stress free weekend ❤️

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Happy Birthday to your sister, to stay sane I am trying to reduce my social media presence as much as possible and read a lot, eat a lot and hangout with my friends.

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Thank you for the K-dramas. Tell your sister, happy birthday! Also, I did the money thing two years back. Maybe I should do it again... Let's see if the cash issue ends soon. Thanks for the newsletter!!! ❤️❤️

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